Agreement between EIRC & EZTaxPractice

EZTaxPractice by Mudrantar Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and The Eastern India Regional Council of ICAI to automate the practice of Chartered Accountants

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Mudrantar Solutions Pvt. Ltd.'s EZTaxPractice is pleased to declare its collaboration with the Eastern India Regional Council (EIRC) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). 

EZTaxPractice is designed to help Chartered Accountants manage their clients, workflows, assignment of tasks to team members, reports, billing, and payments on a centralized platform. With in-built AWS security, confidential data is completely secure.

EZTaxPractive supports the ICAI mission of Atmanirbharta through Automation.

EZTaxPractice Software helps Chartered Accountants by providing the benefits :

- Unified Platform for clients
- Clear Client Communication
- Efficient Data Management
- Compliance Management
- Effective Task Management
- Compliance  Data Security
- Team Management Collaboration
- Productivity Reports
- Tracking GST Filing
- Bulk Validation of GSTIN

The software can be availed by all the members associated with EIRC of ICAI at a discounted price. The discounted price is exclusively for the members of EIRC of ICAI.

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